On Location
written by:

What is Preplay? Isn't that normally forbidden? What will we be doing, and when?

Preplay & Pre-Game Schedule
Next Event: Relationship Meetup #2:
Sunday, July 29th 8-10pm (US - East Coast Timezone)

Information & Schedule
Creative Input
After Casting is announced, we'll send a preliminary copy of your character sheet and contact you for information about your individual characters. You'll get a chance to choose a name, submit a few paragraphs of back-story/more in-depth personality, select roles in some previous films, and more. We'll then compile this for public distribution in the open-secrets area of the game. This information will be due to us by July 10th, and published on July 14th.
For On Location, you’ll need to do some preplay – some thinking about your character, and some contact and communication with the other players, in advance of the larp itself. This needn’t take up a lot of time – but we do need everyone to do at least the minimum amount. This way, when play starts, your characters will all know everything they ought to know about each other, and there’ll be a rich shared background of material that you can all draw upon.
What if I’m busy and don’t really have time for preplay?
It really is just a few hours that’s required, spread over a period of several weeks – you can put in just ten or fifteen minutes at a time. And we will be here to help, in any way that you need. If you really have no time but want to play, the Creative Team can get involved, and there *may* be an opportunity Friday before the game for some last minute meetups.
What’s it going to involve?
There are two minimum components:
Deciding some details about your character, such as their name, and other ‘public’ facts that everyone would know about them.
Contacting the players of the other characters with whom you have defined relationships, and making sure that you’re both happy with how the relationship will work.
(We'll have three *opt-in* ways you can do this using FB Messenger/Discord messaging, Email, and Virtual Discord meet-ups.)
And then this, which is optional, for those of you who are keen to invent stuff:
Contributing to the filmography – a list of previous films which characters in the group might have been involved with, and the stories that might have arisen around them.
Note that you can start on any of these tasks sooner than this if you like, and take longer on them if you like. If you contact another player early, and they don’t respond to you right away, please don’t chase them for it: we will make sure that everyone responds by the time indicated here.
Important Dates
June 1st (Weds) - Game Website Live / Registration Opens
June 5th (Sun) - DISCORD: Game Intro / Q&A with GMs 2-5pm
June 7th (Tues) - Casting Form Available to Registered Players
June 16th (Thurs) - DISCORD: Q&A + Jackbox with GMs 7:30-10pm
June 23rd (Tues) - Casting Forms due in to GMs
June 30th (Thurs) - Casting released
July 1st (Fri) - DISCORD: Next Steps / Q&A with GMs 8-10pm
July 10th (Sun) - DISCORD: Q&A with GMs 2-5pm
July 10th (Sun) - Prelim Character Submissions to due to GMs
(Please note: There are still characters available,
we will add folks in from this stage one-by-one.)
July 14th (Thurs) - Character Approvals returned to players;
Relationship building begins
July 15th (Fri) - DISCORD: Relationship Meet-Up #1 8-10pm
July 24th (Sun) - DISCORD: Relationship Meet-Up #2 2-5pm
July 29th (Fri) - DISCORD: Relationship Meet-Up #3 8-10pm
Aug 7th (Sun) - DISCORD: Relationship Meet-Up #4 2-5pm
Aug 7th (Sun) - Final Character and Relationship submissions due to GMs
Aug 25th (Thurs) - Final Character Info published
Schedule is subject to slight alteration due to unforseen real-life conflicts. All times are respective to the East Coast USA timezone (New York).
All Discord Events are optional.
Opt-in transparency
The design of On Location is opt-in transparent. There are no secrets being kept from players – everything that’s in the larp, you will be able to see in advance. However, if you’d like to keep some surprises in store for yourself, that’s absolutely fine, of course. You can choose only to read the stuff that you have to, and ignore the rest for now; and that’ll then give you a different kind of game.
Either way, you’re encouraged to talk with other players before and during the larp, so as to steer your play experience in the directions that you’re interested in. You will be put in touch with the players of characters interlinked with yours, in advance of the larp, to allow you to plan together if you wish. Then during play, you can use the ‘Take a walk’ metatechnique (more coming about our metatechniques before the game) to touch in and plan offgame with another player; and between the two Acts, there’ll be time to recalibrate relationships and make further plans.