On Location
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What makes this LARP different? How will it work?
What can I expect?
What are the rules?
Check here for answers and updates!

FAQ (Frequently-Asked-Questions)

Questions asked and answered at our first Q&A.
Q&A #3 is coming up this Friday, July 1st.
What if this LARP isn't for me?
We hope that our 32-Player LARP will only be 1/2 of what is happening that weekend. Usually we get 60-70 attendees for Labor Day Weekend, so we expect it to be a good 50/50 split between LARP and our Gamefest track (including board games and TTRPGs).
What if I want to play the LARP but can't commit to the PrePlay aspects?
Our Creative Team is here to support you through the process, by answering questions, and filling in the gaps you leave behind. We can help connect you with your fellow players, or fill in the narrative of your backstory and connections if that's what you need.
What will there be to do during the LARP?
The LARP itself may not have plots or secrets, but you shouldn't be left bored. There will be an entire film to create, cast, and rehearse/film. Whose creative vision will win out? Who will play the lead? What is the story even about?
You will create relationships that interest you, some with room to explore. What about that ex-best-friend you haven't seen in 10 years? What about that rival you publicly loathe but secretly admire? The romance that almost-was? The enemy you never got to confront?
Not to mention the inner turmoil of whether to stick to the role in life you know, or to branch into something new?
The more you give, the more you'll get. But we'll look out for the wallflowers too, and do our best to help you get involved.
What about costuming?
The game is set in 1932, but anything "Hollywood Glam" will do. Wear that flapper dress you adore, or do your hair in a 1950s fashion if that's what flatters, no need to have your tux recut with the proper lapels or fuss about your shoes. Anything that isn't jeans and blends in would be great.
For those who LOVE to costume, you'll have the chance to flaunt evening wear, something casual for daytime, and even distress your look later in the game (muss your hair, trade your gems for a dressing gown, ditch the jacket and vest).
Every player will have an archetype (the Diva, the Hairstylist, etc) which you can play to, or not, depending on how enthusiastic you are about costuming. We want you to be comfortable, there's no pressure.
What is this about a Filmography?
This is a deeper subject. We will talk about this topic in more detail soon, when we get past the Casting Stage of the game. But here's some good detail. Don't worry - we'll also talk about this LIVE and put it on the website, etc.
As you fill in your character's backstory, and build connections to other characters, the most likely connections will be from previous film projects. You'll create little snippet bios about past films, or determine what role you played in those created by others.
The Honeymooners, 1928
Action-Comedy, Heist Film
A young, unmarried couple bucks tradition, preferring to "live in sin". They travel town-to-town across the US, pretending to be on their honeymoon, using it as a cover to rob banks and hotels. Chased by an investigator and his assistant from the FBI, destiny threatens to catch up with them.
Suggested roles: 3 leads - the bride, the groom, the investigator; a funny sidekick; potential comedy/cameo roles amongst the Heist victims + crew roles.
Players will be able to chime in with a one-sentence description of the character they played (which can branch outside the "suggested roles"), or the Crew role they performed behind the scenes. You can use these films during play for conversation and familiarity.
Not all characters will be involved in all films; you'll choose a smattering where you might have crossed paths with other characters in the past. Players can also suggest unusual incidents (did something go wrong?), awards the film won (or didn't win), etc.
For those who prefer to get even more involved in Pre-Play, why not create a poster, a tagline, or even record a quick scene?
The Creative Team will put together an order of FILMs created by you, the players, including a list of those previously directed or produced by Gottfried, and keep it updated on the website. This list will be The Filmography.
And no, you won't be expected to memorize it.
Email your questions or concerns to us: wdlarp22onlocation@gmail.com
What is Relationship-Building?
Read all about it in our handy pamphlet!